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You can partner with us in reaching the campus for Christ by financially supporting the BSM or one of our staff members



Your giving helps the BSM engage the students of Texas A&M University - Commerce and the world with the message of Jesus Christ. Every gift helps. You can mail a check to our address listed at the bottom of the page or use the link below to give online. All gifts are tax-deductible.


Give to the BSM





Members of our staff at the BSM raises their own support. When you choose to support  them, you help ensure that their ministry can continue here on campus with the students. Your investment in them is an investment in our students. All gifts are tax-deductible.


Support Kevin Paniagua - BSM Director


Support Bayleigh Burling - BSM Coordinator


Support Ashton Guliuzza - CMI

  • To support one of our Campus Missionary Interns

    1. Type the amount you would like to give

    2. Select "I am giving to support a specific Campus Missionary" from the dropdown menu

    3. In the "Comments / Instructions" box that appears, type "For (CMI Name)"

    4. Complete the rest of the form and submit




Every year, BSMs across Texas, including our own, student students literally around the world to share the Gospel with the ends of the earth. Go Now Missionaries raise part of the cost of their trip. By partnering with them, you ensure that their funds get covered and can help send them on their trip. Help send our students! All gifts are tax-deductible. You may choose to make a donation to a specific student, a campus goal, or Go Now Missions in general.


Support our Go Now Missionaries

  • To support a Summer, Christmas, or Semester student missionary

    1. Type the amount you would like to give​​

    2. Select "I am giving to support a specific Student Missionary" from the dropdown menu

    3. In the "Comments / Instructions" box that appears, type "For (Student Missionary Name)"

    4. Complete the rest of the form and submit

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